Saturday, May 19, 2007

CE - Writing for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals

This course covered the journal article publication process. Including the rationale, particpants, journals, rights, ethics, submission and review of the article. Also discussed was how to choose a topic, the approach of writing the article and the different types of articles. The actual writing process was also covered. The ways of gathering information, organization of notes, writing of the 1st draft to revision and the abstract.

I learned a lot in this course but won't bore you with all points, only a few... Remember to write your article first, and your abstract last. Short and concise writing is best - always. Only submit your article to one journal at a time. Even though chronological organization sounds easiest, it is the hardest to write. Organize your thoughts (an outline works great!) before putting pen to paper. Use graphics wisely. Watch out for too many prepositional phrases.

And last but not least...

Life is too limited in length... er, Life is Short!

~Angela Anderson

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